僕を●学のときイジメていたあのヤンキー女が今はデリヘル嬢! みんなにバラさないでねとお願いされたのをきっかけに復讐の服従交尾を強要できるのか? 最初屈辱感にまみれていた元ヤンの顔がいつのまにか発情した牝豚風に…で思わず暴発しそうなほど高まっちゃって膣中に爆発射! 2
That Yankee woman who was bullied at the time of ● ● now is Deriheru! Can you force revenge and obedience mating when asked not to let everyone fall? The face of the original Yan, who was first covered in a sense of humiliation, is a pig-in-the-mouth that has been in estrus for some time ... It has risen so as to be an outburst involuntarily and it explodes in the vagina! 2