マジ軟派、初撮。 1584 原宿で「1万円あげるので好きなものを買ってください」という企画で釣ってナンパ⇒友達が遅れて待ちぼうけをくらっている女の子ゲット!話を聞くと浮気に厳しくガードが堅そうだったけどいきなり距離を詰めても意外と抵抗されず…?
Seriously Nampa, first shot. 1584 In Harajuku, catch a fish with the plan "I'll give you 10,000 yen, so please buy what you like" ⇒ Get a girl whose friends are waiting late! When I heard the story, it seemed that the guard was strict and cheating, but even if I suddenly narrowed the distance, I was not unexpectedly resisted ...?