終始ニコニコ素敵な笑顔の奥様!出会って5秒で笑う!とにかく笑う!その眩しい笑顔の裏には…「ゲーマーの旦那が私の稼ぎで課金するんです…」セックスレスは早1年。寂しくて寂しくて。性格のいい女の悲しい結婚生活。結局こーゆーのが一番ヌける。 今日の私のお給料で、明日、旦那は課金する… at 神奈川県海老名市 本厚木駅
A wife with a lovely smile from beginning to end! Meet and laugh in 5 seconds! Laugh anyway! Behind that dazzling smile ... "The gamer's husband charges for my earnings ..." Sexless has been around for a year. I'm lonely and lonely. A sad marriage of a good-natured woman. After all, Koyu's is the best. With my salary today, my husband will charge tomorrow ... at Hon-Atsugi Station, Ebina City, Kanagawa Prefecture